Venue: Anaheim Convention Center

Exhibitor: Bioneer

  • Eye-catching green and white structure island-style booth utilized a lightbox and recessed lighting to draw attendees’ attentions.

Venue: Anaheim Convention Center

Exhibitor: Solgent

  • This inline booth utilized various sized lightboxes and seating areas, utilizing cool blue tones with white laminate finish.

Venue: Anaheim Convention Center

Exhibitor: Genolution

  • This island booth utilized white tones with yellow accents and recessed lighting throughout the fixtures.

  • Seating areas and planters were placed for homely feeling and comfort.

Venue: Anaheim Convention Center

Exhibitor: Khidi

  • Vinyl graphics were utilized to convey information-heavy writing in a visually engaging manner.

  • Seating areas were utilized to provide comfortable conversational spaces.


IFT-First 2023


Anime Expo 2023